Absolutely gorgeous weather today – sunlit, clear skies. Scenery was, to use an all-too-common adjective, “majestic”. It was all motoring, though, at a cruise setting of 2500 RPM.
We arrived at Dol Cove in the early afternoon. Kay helmed us as we looked for a good spot. Finally I decided to settle us into a nook and we dropped anchor in 35 feet. Unfortunately, due to the necessity of a stern tie, we could only let out 140 feet of scope. However, we were in a tiny but well protected nook, inside a larger, protected bay, both well safe of major currents, so 4:1 scope would have to do.
Running the shoreline turned into a major production. The line did not unreel very well. We will have to work on that process some more.
We dinghied over to Quijote for a bit more socializing. Sam and Kay both had Pina Colada, while I stuck to water. 2 games of cribbage ensued, split with one game going to Opus and one game going to Quijote – a very satisfactory way to game. After social hour, it was back to Opus for dinner, Yummy leftovers!
Our bilge pump seems to be oily. For now we have turned it off and will manually clean out the bilge when we get to Camp ell River where there are, hopefully, facilities to dispose of it safely. That’s going to be a messy, thankless, job, but it has to be done.
Tomorrow is another early start so we can stop off in Lund for some stocking up on treats and fresh food stuffs like meat.
Another task done today was radical modification of the oars that West Marine sent to me. They were oars for oarlocks instead of oar posts. However, a bit of modification with a hand drill (thank you for the loan, Rod!) and the oars… still didn’t work. We need a bigger drill bit. That will be a task for Lund, however, as a second round of aluminum shavings in the cockpit is not at all appealing.
2030, time to go to sleep despite my nap this afternoon on the long settee. I proved you can sleep there, though I don’t think it would be all that comfortable for the night.