Due to the short time frame in taking possession of the boat, we can’t stop working on things. Today’s “To-Do” list consists of cutting open the extracted secondary fuel filter to examine it for rust and then beginning the search for some place to keep her, long-term.
Normally I’d use a hacksaw to open the fuel filter but since I lack one of those, it’s going to be a Dremel tool with a cutting wheel on it. This should be an interesting experience.

Basically, I’ll be cutting the end off of it (the end facing us in the picture) and then examining the side of it we can’t see, that’s close to that center (big) hole. I’ll be mainly looking for rust, but also examining it for any other oddities that might indicate that things were in the fuel that shouldn’t be, and that they were making it into the engine.
After that will come phoning around to the various marinas looking for a place to keep our new boat. This is about as easy as finding on-the-street parking in New York City. I had hoped the search would be made a bit less difficult by easing COVID restrictions but, unfortunately, yesterday had the restrictions tightened. Still, there’s nothing to do except keep on plugging away.
We’re following multiple lines of attack on this problem, though, ranging from sub-leasing moorage from someone who is intending on being away for a bit, to joining yacht clubs (which isn’t a bad idea all on its own). We’ll see what comes of it all!
Tomorrow, the boat will be hauled out of the water so that it’s sitting high and dry for the marine inspection (which I intend to attend) on Friday. Later Friday, it will be refloated and then the current owner will be taking it back to its home port at the Vancouver Rowing Club. Some time next week will be the sea trial in which we get to see how well she actually sails and operates in the “real” marine environment.
And then there’s paying for all these inspections. The mechanical inspection yesterday cost us approximately $800.00. Tomorrow’s marine survey and haul out will come to about $2,000.00, and we’re out that money even if we decide against buying the boat. Darn boat is expensive even before we own her!