Boho Bay

Departed Dogfish at 6:30 – a bit before slack. Quijote needed to clear customs in Nanaimo and, truthfully, Opus could use some fuel. I say “some” because it ended up being over $625 fuel bill. However, we now had our full complement of 100 gallons. 25 in our tank and 75 in Jerry cans on deck.

We motored all the way to Nanaimo. People at the fuel dock were quite helpful and friendly, which was appreciated since the winds were blowing us off the dock. We could have handled it ourselves, but the extra muscle was appreciated.

After departing Nanaimo and clearing the nearby islands, Quijote elected to continue up the coast while we went further out into the Georgia Strait in (vain) hope of finding some winds. Though Opus will sail in a breeze, she won’t sail very fast. 1.2 knots VMG was just not going to work for us, so it was back to motoring.

We traveled up the west edge of the military area, but it wasn’t in use today.

Anchoring in Boho Bay, we passed lovely cliffs. If we have to motor, then these are the scenery I want to have.

We ended up rafted to Quijote. It’s wonderful to see her and meet up with Rod again, not only because of the 45 gallons of fuel he had for us. Matt, his crew, is also as nice as you would expect.

After tying up, we went over for a visit where they treated us to Brownies. We also had dinner there, with each yacht providing dinner for their own crew but Quijote supplying desert (fruit pie) for us all.

Tomorrow is a 0800 departure. It’s a short run into Dol Cove.

Sleeping in the quarterberth is warm enough in my bunny suit with a sleeping bag unzipped and used as a blanket. However, I’m still working out the best arrangement of “stuff” in my berth.

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