So last post was about, “for want of a nail…” and I still can’t find the nail. However, I’ve grown tired of searching for it, and McGuyvered a solution that takes the strain off the lines. That allowed me to complete one portion of the job and move on. The stuff near the companionway is done, other than stringing a NMEA183 data line from the multi-function display and from the radar to the chart plotter so that all the information is available in one place.
But the exciting news is that the AIS is in and the chart plotter has been moved to the nav station. Essentially, all the electronic pieces that we’ve been trying to get moved around the boat are in their proper places, and even better, a lot of the boxes that have been cluttering up the salon are now on their way off the boat.
Much of the equipment still needs to be connected to each other. Some connect via wires, some connect wirelessly. The topology still needs to be ironed out. We’ll get there…
The big question is getting position, heading, pitch, and roll information from the AIS. I know, what the heck is the AIS doing providing that information? Doesn’t it send/receive position information to other boats? Well, yes, yes it does, but it also has the position, heading, pitch, and roll information. I just need to figure out how to get it to feed that to the chart plotter and then we’re in business.
In addition, the AIS unit is now the primary radio. The old radio is still on board, but it is disconnected from the antenna (and power). It can be put back into service by reconnecting the antenna and putting the fuse back into its power line, so that’s the backup radio to the primary one.
So much is _almost_ done. The only real roadblocks now is getting the fire extinguishers retagged. That might have to wait until I get my car down here so I can carry them off to be retagged.
Of course, there are other big jobs still to come, but the initial ones, the ones mandated by the insurance company, are almost done, finally!