At the docks

Today is the first slightly nice day since Opus arrived at the marina. I actually see some baby blue poking its nose out from between the clouds. That means I can open up the engine room and start surveying what needs to be done (Access to the main part of the engine room is through the lazarette outside – a miserable proposition when it’s raining!)

There’s still not a LOT I can do before tomorrow. I don’t want to start disassembling things without means to replace them as I put them back together. That means waiting for tomorrow for the chandlery to open (they are closed Sundays and Mondays). Organization is the key for today – organizing the supplies I DO have and the tools. I also plan on tearing up the sole of the cabin to start making a diagram of where all the through-holes and plumbing and such go. I might even start on wire brushing the corrosion off the engine so I can see what might be causing it. If the organization is done and the aft double berth cleared off, I’ll also look into what I need to do to secure the batteries.

Tomorrow I plan on putting in an order for the dyneema and fittings I need to replace the line lines, new fenders (the current ones are undersized in my opinion) as well as (potentially) some new dock lines. I’m currently tied to the dock using lines that aren’t really right for it, but I’ve doubled them up, so they should take the strain until I can get better ones on.

Hardware-wise I’ll be ordering a new solenoid system and pressure regulator for the propane, complete with gas sensor, plus caulking for the galley and head cabinetry. I’ll probably be ordering even more once I get into the machinery spaces and see what I need to get done.

I’ll also stop by the office to get the secret to accessing the internet and to drop off the bribe… I mean present for the office staff that were so nice to me.

Physically, I’ve recovered from the trip down. I’m surprised how much it took out of me. I’m hoping it was just the cold and wet and not having eaten properly, but exercise is going to be part of my morning routine!

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